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love story

I really crave your love

On a dark day in autumn 1942, the air cold, very cold. Today was no different from other days in the Nazi concentration camps. I stood shivering in tattered clothes are thin, still can not believe that this nightmare really happened.

I'm just a boy. I should play with my friends, should I go to school; should I excited to meet my future when I will become an adult, married, and build my own family. However, all the dreams that only fit for those who are still alive, and I was no longer one of them. I almost died, trying to survive from day to day, from hour to hour, ever since I was dragged from my home and brought here with tens of thousands of other Jews. Was I still alive tomorrow? Is tonight I'll be taken to the gas chamber?

I was pacing near the barbed wire fence, trying to warm my body is cold. I'm hungry, but had long since I was starving, much longer than that to me think. I'm always hungry. Decent food seems to only exist in dreams. Every day more of us disappear, the happy past seems increasingly vague. I'm getting lost in despair.

Suddenly, I saw a girl walking behind a barbed wire fence. The boy stopped and looked at me with sad eyes, eyes that seemed to say that he understands, that he also could not find the answer why I'm here. I want to dispose of view, I'm embarrassed and awkward as a foreign girl had seen me in a situation like this. But, I could not divert my eyes from her eyes.

Then he reached into his pocket and pulled out an apple red. Beautiful apple, red sheen. How long since the last time I saw it seranum apple! With the alert he turned to the right and left, then a triumphant smile quickly throw the apple over the fence. I ran to pick it, holding it with my fingers are trembling and frozen. In my world full of death, the apple became a symbol of life, a symbol of love. I looked up and saw it disappear in the distance.

The next day, I could not stop myself-at the same time I stood in the same spot, near the fence. Am I crazy to expect him to come again? Of course. But inside I rely on a thin slice of hope. He has given me hope, I must rely closely on that hope.

Once again, she came. Once again, she brings an apple for me, threw it over the fence, smiling sweetly as yesterday. This time I catch the apple, then I held it high so he saw it. Her eyes sparkled. Is he sorry? Maybe. I do not care. I'm quite happy to look at him. And for the first time since a long time, I feel my heart tremble because of overflow of feelings.

Seven months we met like that. Sometimes we exchanged words. Sometimes, just an apple. But, not just my stomach that was given food. She was like an angel from heaven. He gave food to my soul. And somehow, I know I also gave him food.

One day, I heard the terrible news: we will be moved to another camp. That could mean the end for me. What is clear, it is the end of my meeting with my friend that. The next day when I greeted him, with a broken heart I say what almost no power to tell,

"Tomorrow, do not bring me an apple," I said to him.
"I will be moved to another camp. We'll never meet again."

Before losing control of myself, I turned and ran away from the fence. I can not look back. If I turn, I knew he would see me standing awkwardly while tears flowed down my face.

Month after month passed. The nightmare continues. But memories of the girl helped me overcome terrifying moments, pain, and despair. Many times I saw it with my eyes my mind, I see his face and his eyes are gentle. I heard his words soft and sweet taste those apples.

Until one day, the nightmare came to an abrupt end. The war is over. We are still alive were released. I have lost all my valuable, including my family. But I still keep the memory of the girl, the memories that I keep to myself and gave me the will to continue my life after I moved to America to start a new life.

Years passed. Until the year 1957. At that time I lived in New York City. A friend made me do a blind date with a woman friend. Reluctantly, I agreed. Apparently she was sweet, his name is Roman. Like me, he was also an immigrant. That way at least we have the equation.

"Where were you during the war?" Rome asked me, with such subtle ways that immigrants generally ask each other about those years.

"I'm at a concentration camp in Germany," I replied.

Rome eyes looked glazed, as if he remembered something sweet but it made her sad.

"What?" I asked.

"I remember my past, Herman," Roma explains in a voice suddenly became very soft. "When I was a kid, I lived near a concentration camp. There was a boy, a prisoner. Over the past few months I always come here every day. I remember, I used to bring apples for him. I always throw the apple over the fence . The boy was happy to "

Rome long sigh, then continued, "It's hard describe how we feel, however each time we were young once. Even if the situation permits we had only exchanged a few words but I'm sure, at that time between us grow sincere love. I'm sure he'll be killed like the others. But, I can not imagine it. Therefore, I try to remember him like I saw in those months, when we're together. "

With heart pounding until I thought almost exploded, I stared fixedly Rome and asked,

"Is one day a boy said to you, 'Tomorrow do not bring me an apple. I will be moved to another camp'?"

"Well, yes," said Rome, his voice quivering.
"But, Herman, how could you possibly know that?"

I grabbed his hand and answered, "Because I was the boy's, Rome."

Seconds passed slowly. There was only silence.

We can not divert our eyes. Our long look at each other. Then, after the curtain time is raised, we recognize the soul behind the eyes that stared at each other, we recognize a friend who had a very sweet and we love, we always loved, who never lost from our memories.

Finally, I said, "Rome, I never separated from you. Now I do not want to be separated again from you. Now I'm free, I want to be with you, forever. My dear, will you marry me?"

I see that same twinkle in the eye that had often looked at it when the Roman replied, "Yes, I'll marry you." Then we hugged, hug that we've longed for for months, but hindered by, the barbed wire fence that separated us. Now, no one else will separate us.

Nearly forty years have passed since I found my Roma again. Fate brought us together for the first time in wartime, to show me the promise of hope. Now, the fate of all that unites us to fulfill that promise.

Valentine's Day 1996. I took Roma to the Oprah Winfrey Show to honor him on national television. In front of millions of viewers, I want to tell him what I felt in my heart every day:

"My love, you gave me food in a concentration camp when I'm hungry. I will keep hunger and thirst for something that seemed would never be enough kuperoleh: I hunger and thirst for your love."

Herman and Roma Rosenblat
As told to Barbara De Angelis, Ph.D.

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TugAs B.inggris Video

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TugAs B.inggris Video

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    Viddy         : Good morning?
    Anis            : Good morning. What's your name?
    Viddy         : My name is Viddy.
And you?
    Anis             : My name is Anis.
    Viddy         : Nice to meet you !
    Anis            : Nice to meet you too.
   Wulan         : Good afternoon Anis?
   Anis             : Good afternoon.
   Wulan         : Could you to my house tonight?
   Anis             : Yes, of course I can.
   Wulan         : I wait for your arrival this evening.
   Anis             : Okay.
   Early            : Excuse me?     
   Anis              : Yes, how can I help you?   
   Early            : I want to ask directions to the Pacet ride it where?   
   Anis             : From SMA 1 Gondang straight, after a monument turn right and go straight.     
   Early            : Thank you for your help.   
  Anis              : Yes, you are welcome.
   Anis             : Wow, you look beautiful today?
   Serly            : Really?
   Anis             : Yes, because you wear a beautiful hair tie.
   Serly            : Thank you for the compliment.
   Anis             : You are welcome.

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arti cinta

Cinta adalah sebuah perasaan yang diberikan oleh Tuhan pada sepasang manusia untuk saling…. (saling mencintai, saling memiliki, saling memenuhi, saling pengertian dll). Cinta itu sendiri sama sekali tidak dapat dipaksakan, cinta hanya dapat brjalan apabila ke-2 belah phiak melakukan “saling” tersebut… cinta tidak dapat berjalan apabila mereka mementingkan diri sendiri. Karena dalam berhubungan, pasangan kita pasti menginginkan suatu perhatian lebih dan itu hanya bisa di dapat dari pengertian pasangannya.

Cinta adalah memberikan kasih sayang bukannya rantai. Cinta juga tidak bisa dipaksakan dan datangnya pun kadang secara tidak di sengaja. CInta indah namun kepedihan yang ditinggalkannya kadang berlangsung lebih lama dari cinta itu sendiri. Batas cinta dan benci juga amat tipis tapi dengan cinta dunia yang kita jalani serasa lebih ringan.

Cinta itu perasaan seseorang terhadap lawan jenisnya karena ketertarikan terhadap sesuatu yang dimiliki oleh lawan jenisnya (misalnya sifat, wajah dan lain lain). Namun diperlukan pengertian dan saling memahami untuk dapat melanjutkan hubungan, haruslah saling menutupi kekurangan dan mau menerima pasangannya apa adanya, tanpa pemaksaan oleh salah satu pihak. Berbagi suka bersama dan berbagi kesedihan bersama.

Cinta itu adalah sesuatu yang murni, putih, tulus dan suci yang timbul tanpa adanya paksaan atau adanya sesuatu yang dibuat-buat, Menurut saya pribadi cinta itu dapat membuat orang itu dapat termotivasi untuk melakukan perubahan yang lebihb aik daripada sebelum ia mengenal cinta itu. Cinta itu sesuatu yang suci dan janganlah kita menodai cinta yang suci itu dengan ke-egoisan kita yang hanya menginginkan enaknya buat kita dan ndak enaknya buat kamu. TIPS; untuk mengawetkan cinta dibutuhkan PENGERTIAN!

Suatu perasaan terdalam manusia yangmembuatnya rela berkorban apa saja demi kebahagiaan orang yang dicintainya. Pengorbanannya itu tulus, tidak mengharap balasan. Kalau misalnya memberi banyak hadiah ke seseorang tapi dengan syarat orang itu harus membalasnya dengan mau jadi kekasihnya, itu bukan cinta namanya. CInta tidak bisa diukur dengan materi ataupun yang berasal dari dunia fana. Dan percayalah… cinta terbesar biasanya selalu datang dari ibu kandung, bukan dari pacar (sebab cinta pacar bisa luntur suatu saat atau setelah menikah kelak).

Cinta, membuat bahagia, duka ataupun buta. Cinta itu penuh pengorbanan, kepahitan, keindahan dan kehangatan. Cinta adalah sebuah keinginan untuk memberi tanpa harus meminta apa-apa, namun cinta akan menjadi lebih indah jika keduanya saling memberi dan menerima, sehingga kehangatan, keselarasan dan kebersamaan menjalani hidup dapat tercapai. CInta adalah kata yang memiliki banyak makna, bergantung bagaimana kita menempatkannya dalam kehidupan. Ai wa atatakai koto da.

Cinta itu bisa membuat orang buta akan segalanya hanya demi rasa sayang terhadap sang kekasih. Kita juga tau apa maknanya cinta itu. Cinta psti bisa membuat orang merasakan suka dan duka pada waktu yang sama ketika kita berusaha mendapat kebahagiaan bersama. Jadi bukanlah kebahagiaan untuk kita sendiri. Meskipun demikian kita jangan samapi salah langkah agar tidak menuju kesengsaraan. Lakukanlah demi orang yang kamu kasihi agar kau tidak merasa sia-sia tanpa guna. Karena hal itulah yang membuat hidup menjadi lebih hidup (Losta Masta).

Cinta adalah perasaan hangat yang mampu membuat kita menyadari betapa berharganya kita, dan adanya seseorang yang begitu berharga untuk kita lindungi. CInta tidaklah sebatas kata-kata saja, karena cinta jauh lebih berharga daripada harta karun termahal di dunia pun. Saat seseorang memegang tanganmu dan bilang ” Aku cinta kamu…” pasti menjadi perasaan hangat yang istimewa! Karena itu, saat kamu sudah menemukan seseorang yang begitu berharga buat kamu, jangan pernah lepaskan dia! Namun adakalanya cinta begitu menyakitkan, dan satu-satunya jalan untuk menunjukkan cintamu hanyalah merlekan dia pergi.

Cinta itu adalah sebuah perasaan yang tidak ada seorangpun bisa mengetahui kapan datangnya, bahkan sang pemilik perasaan sekalipun. Jika kita sudah mengenal cinta, kita akan menjadi orang yang paling berbahagia di dunia ini. Akan tetapi, bila cinta kita tak terbalas, kita akan merasa bahwa kita adalah orang paling malang dan kita akan kehilangan gairah hidup. Dengan cinta, kita bisa belajar untuk menghargai sesama, serta berusaha untuk melindungi orang yang kita cintai, apaun yang akan terjadi pada kita. Ai ga kirei’n da!

Cinta merupakan anugerah yang tak ternilai harganya dan itu di berikan kepada makhluk yang paling sempurna, manusia. Cinta tidak dapat diucapkan dengan kata-kata, tidak dapat dideskripsikan dengan bahasa apaun. Cinta hanya bisa dibaca dengan bahasa cinta dan juga dengan perasaan. Cinta adalah perasaanyang universal, tak mengenalgender, usia, suku ataupun ras. Tak perduli cinta dengan sesama mansuia, dengan tumbuhan, binatang, roh halus,ataupun dengan Sang Pencipta. Lagipula, cintaitu buta. Buta sama degnan meraba-raba. Jadi… cinta itu meraba-raba…(^o^)/… meraba-raba isi hati yang dicinta…
is a feeling that given by God on a pair of human beings to each other .... (Love each other, have each other, meet each other, mutual understanding etc.). Love itself can not be enforced at all, love can only be brjalan if to-2 split phiak do "each other" is ... love can not start if they are selfish. Because in touch, we would want a couple more attention and it can only be from understanding partner.

Love is giving love instead of chains. Love also can not be imposed and sometimes are not even coming on accidentally. Love beautiful but the pain he left behind sometimes lasts longer than love itself. Limits of love and hate are also very thin but with a love of the world that we live feel lighter.

Love is a feeling someone of the opposite sex because of interest in something that is owned by the opposite sex (such as the nature, face, etc.). But the necessary understanding and mutual understanding in order to continue the relationship, must mutually shortfalls and willing to accept their partner as it is, without coercion by either party.
Sharing love together and share their grief together.

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prinsip hidup

5 PRINSIP HIDUP MENURUT PENSIL Seorang anak bertanya kepada neneknya yang sedang menulis sebuah surat. "Nenek lagi menulis tentang pengalaman kita ya? atau tentangku?" Mendengar pertanyaan si cucu, sang nenek berhenti menulis dan berkata kepada cucunya. "Sebenarnya nenek sedang menulis tentang kamu, tapi ada yang lebih penting dari isi tulisan ini yaitupensil yang nenek pakai. "Nenek harap kamu bakal seperti pensil ini ketika kamu besar nanti" ujar sinenek lagi. Mendengar jawaban ini, si cucu kemudian melihat pensilnya dan bertanya kembali kepada si nenek ketika dia melihat tidak ada yang istimewa dari pensil yang nenek pakai. "Tapi nek sepertinya pensil itu sama saja denganpensil yang lainnya." Ujar si cucu. Si nenek kemudian menjawab,"Pensil ini mempunyai 5 kualitas yang bisa membuatmu selalu tenang dalam menjalani hidup, kalau kamu selalu memegang prinsip-prinsip itu di dalam hidup ini." Si nenek kemudian menjelaskan 5 kualitas dari sebuah pensil. "Kualitas pertama, pensil mengingatkan kamu kalo kamu bisa berbuat hal yang hebat dalam hidupini. Layaknya sebuah pensil ketika menulis, kamu jangan pernah lupa kalau ada tangan yang selalumembimbing langkah kamu dalam hidup ini. Kita menyebutnya tangan Tuhan, Dia akan selalu membimbing kita menurut kehendakNya" . "Kualitas kedua, dalam proses menulis, nenek kadang beberapa kali harus berhenti dan menggunakan rautan untuk menajamkan kembali pensil nenek. Rautan ini pasti akan membuat si pensil menderita. Tapi setelah proses meraut selesai, si pensil akan mendapatkan ketajamannya kembali. Begitu juga dengan kamu, dalam hidup ini kamu harus berani menerima penderitaan dan kesusahan, karena merekalah yang akan membuatmu menjadi orang yang lebih baik". "Kualitas ketiga, pensil selalu memberikan kita kesempatan untuk mempergunakan penghapus, untuk memperbaiki kata-kata yang salah. Oleh karena itu memperbaiki kesalahan kita dalam hidup ini, bukanlah hal yang jelek. Itu bisa membantu kita untuk tetap berada pada jalan yang benar". "Kualitas keempat, bagian yang paling penting dari sebuah pensil bukanlah bagian luarnya, melainkanarang yang ada di dalam sebuah pensil. Oleh sebab itu, selalulah hati-hati dan menyadari hal -hal di dalam dirimu". "Kualitas kelima, adalah sebuah pensil selalu meninggalkan tanda/goresan. Seperti juga kamu, kamu harus sadar kalau apapun yang kamu perbuat dalam hidup ini akan meninggalkan kesan. Oleh karena ituselalulah hati-hati dan sadarterhadap semua tindakan".

A boy asked his grandmother who was writing a letter.

"Grandma again write about our experience huh? Or about me?"

Hearing the question of the grandchild, the grandmother stopped writing and said to her grandson.

"Actually, my grandmother was writing about you, but there are more important than the contents of this paper yaitupensil that grandma used.

"You hope you'll like this pencil when you grow up" said sinenek again. Hearing this answer, the grandson and then saw his pencil and asked to return to her grandmother when she saw nothing special of a grandmother wearing a pencil.

"But Grandma seems a pencil that would be denganpensil the others." Said the grandson.

The grandmother then said, "This pencil has 5 qualities that make you calm in their life, if you always hold these principles in this life."

The grandmother then describes five qualities of a pencil.

"Quality first, pencils remind you if you can do great things in hidupini. Just like a pencil when writing, you should never forget that there are hands that selalumembimbing you step in life. We call it the hand of God, He will always guide us according to His will ".

"The quality of both, in the process of writing, the grandmother sometimes several times to stop and use a pencil sharpener to sharpen the re-grandmother. Sharpener is sure to make the pencil suffer. But after the whittling process is complete, the pencil will get the sharpness back. So also with you, in this life you have to dare to accept the suffering and distress, as they will make you become a better person. "

"The quality of the third, a pencil is always giving us the opportunity to use the eraser, to correct the wrong words. Therefore fix our mistakes in this life, not a bad thing. It can help us to stay on the right path."
"The quality of the four, the most important part of a pencil is not the outside, melainkanarang which is in a pencil. Therefore, always be careful and aware of things in you."

"The quality of the fifth, is a pencil always leave marks / scratches. Just like you, you should be aware that anything you do in this life will leave an impression. Therefore ituselalulah carefully and sadarterhadap all actions".

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"Do not admit defeat before trying because if you give in before trying it You are the loser's defeat"

     "struggling to get something rather than wait to get it"

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